Concerning sustainable rural highway building and maintenance funding, and, in connection therewith, requiring a specified percentage of net revenue generated by the existing state sales and use tax to be credited to the state highway fund; requiring the transportation commission to submit to the voters of the state at the November 2018 general election a ballot question, which, if approved, will, without raising taxes, authorize the state to issue transportation revenue anticipation notes for the purpose of funding the construction of specified high-priority highway projects, will require all of the notes to be issued and projects commenced within three years of the notes being authorized, will exclude note proceeds and investment earnings on note proceeds from state fiscal year spending limits, and will repeal an existing requirement that the state treasurer execute lease-purchase agreements for the purpose of funding transportation projects; and requiring the sales and use tax net revenue credited to the state highway fund to be used to repay any notes issued and to fund maintenance on qualified federal aid highways.